Sedation Dentist – Oklahoma City, OK

Find Relief for Dental Anxiety

Young boy wearing nose mask for nitrous oxide sedation dentistry in Oklahoma City

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you’re not alone. Roughly 36% of Americans have dentist-related fears; 12% even mark them as extreme. That said, you shouldn’t let these worries keep you from receiving crucial dental care. Instead, consider trying our dental office’s highly effective sedation dentistry in Oklahoma City. Whether with nitrous oxide or Dr. Weaver’s IV work, our team at First Impressions Dentistry will help you feel calm during treatment. Learn more about how that’s possible by reading below or contacting us. Either way, we’re happy to help!

Why Choose First Impressions Dentistry for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Warm & Friendly Dental Office
  • Highly Trained Sedation Dentist
  • Dental Insurance Accepted

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Young woman with eyes closed in dental chair wearing nitrous oxide mask

Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is the lightest form of dental sedation. It’s applied through a nose mask right before and during treatment. While inhaling, the gas will keep you relaxed and happy, even as our dentists work. Rest assured, this sedation leaves you conscious and able to respond to instructions.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Hand holding white pill

Oral conscious sedation is a great option for moderate dental phobias. In particular, it works via pill or liquid and takes effect shortly before you arrive for treatment. The resulting relaxation is more intense than what’s found in nitrous oxide. That said, you’ll remain conscious throughout the procedure. The sedation, however, does take a few hours to wear off. Therefore, you should have a friend or family member drive you home afterward.

IV Sedation

Sedation dentist holding I V drip

Compared to the alternatives, IV sedation is the most potent type we offer. Dr. Weaver will administer a sedative through a tiny injection in your arm. From there, you’ll almost instantly fall into a state of deep relaxation. The IV method is thus recommended for highly fearful patients or those needing lengthy, complex procedures. On the other hand, it can also help those with physical issues or who struggle to sit for extended periods.